Over The Moon’s business philosophy
We believe the best times in life are being in the great outdoors with friends and family, dancing to music.
We don’t just Do our job
We LOVE our job.
Our Work is Life.
At the core of our work is the knowledge that good planning is fundamental to good events.
We like to get involved with your ideas right from the start and can offer a complete Event Design & Build service.
Our methods and techniques have been honed in 20 years’ working in the events industry.
We know the choice of tents have a positive impact on the enjoyment of your event.
Our products are always fit for purpose.
We want our clients to feel “Over The Moon” with our tents, crew and services.
Ethical Outlook
Our business operates with a keen eye on our environmental, social and ethical responsibilities. We bank with the Cooperative because of its ethical policy.
Our office is solar powered through Good Energy, we promote green technology. Our new store and office is designed and bullt with green technology and principles.
See our environmental policy for more info on how we reduce our carbon footprint and impact upon resources.
Click here for our environment policy

We believe the best times in life are being in the great outdoors with friends and family, dancing to music.
Our Beliefs
Our crew’s outlook and cool calm “Can Do” attitude has been shaped by
the positivity of the UK’s festival, free party and rave scene;
our friends and families support and love; Music (particularly the community of the UK’s dance music scene) and the musical pioneers The Delta Blues artists, Elvis, Beatles & The Stones.
The Green Party and The Low Impact Living Initiative;
The Scouting Movement;
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming);
- The future exists FIRST in IMAGINATION, then in WILL and then in REALITY
- We are excited for what is ahead.
- Keep Calm And Carry On (sorry cliched but we love this war time, stiff upper lip, jolly good show belief)
- Be Prepared (got that one from our days in the Scouts).
- We embrace challenges because we will always find a way to overcome.
Read our case studies - We are responsible for the events we create with our clients.
- We are on a continuous journey of learning,
- There is always a way if we’re committed.
- We never stop trying to be the best events specialists we can be.
- There is always a way ahead when we are committed.
- No Chaos = No Creativity.
Just the right amount of chaos and the buzz of lots of things coming together means an event is going in the right direction. We’ve learnt this over 20 years working together with lots of other companies to put on great events. - Mens Sano In Corpore Sano – A Healthy Mind in A Healthy Body.Our crew likes to Keep Fit. The demands of working in a high pressure environment requires that not only do our tents and structures have to perform, but so does our crew. In out of work hours the crew keeps fit snowboarding, exercising in our in house gym, mountain biking, mountaineering, pilates and yoga.
- Be Courteous, hey lets even say Chivalrous, we love the legends of King Arthur.
- Our country, its people, landscape and places are heavenly. We are blessed to live and work in the Bristish Isles.
Music is the answer
We are “Jedi Tent Masters”
A Jedi Tent Master has learnt the following truths as told by Yoda.
- Pass on what you have learned.
- Feel the Force. (Especially true with Stretch Tents)
- A Jedi must have the most deepest commitment, the most serious mind. (Over the Moon have spent thousands of hours honing our tent and event craft.)
- A Jedi’s strength flows from the Force. Tents stay erect due to the presence and balance of force.
- A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge (and protection from the elements.)
- Try not. DO. There is not try.
- You must feel the force around you (and the tent)
- You must learn control.
Read More on the What We Do page